kategori pertama title

  • kategori pertama title

his method sets up event handlers for submit, focus, keyup, blur and click to trigger validation of the entire form or individual elements. Each one can be disabled, see the onxxx options (onsubmit, onfocusout, onkeyup, onclick). focusInvalid focuses elements when submitting an invalid form.

Use the debug option to ease setting up validation rules, it always prevents the default submit, even when script errors occur.

Use submitHandler to implement your own form submit, eg. via Ajax. Use invalidHandler to react when an invalid form is submitted. Use rules and messages to specify which elements to validate, and how. See rules() for more details about specifying validation rules. Use errorClass, errorElement, wrapper, errorLabelContainer, errorContainer, showErrors, success, errorPlacement, highlight, unhighlight, and ignoreTitle to control how invalid elements and error messages are displayed.

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Telepon : +62 362 41789, 41587, +62 85108022289
Email : hotelbanyualit@yahoo.com, banyualit2011@gmail.com
Fax : +62 362 41563
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